Quoting Archbishop Silvano Tomasi (via the always wonderful Butterflies and Wheels ) ; "People are being attacked for taking positions that do not support sexual behaviour between people of the same sex." Could it be because you have offensive opinions and actions, and that you constantly persecute people you don't agree with? Could it be that people are getting fed up with your hypocrisy of attacking people of a sexual orientation you yourself so obviously are filled to the brim with? Could it be that science is shedding a more reflective and correct light on what the alternative sexual orientations are all about, that biology shouldn't be dictated by doctrine and opinion? The mind boggles at religious people's stubbornness to change, to just understand that more knowledge through unbiased science renders you old and outdated, that unless you embrace change it will render you pointless but to the crazy fringe. Merge new understanding into your fold, by all m...
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, it got better. A jumbled collection of pontified scribbles of philosophical and technological nature in the pen of some insignificant guy who cares too much about everything.